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Intermediate 3" Rake Newel


Intermediate Rake Newel 3" width Great for stabilizing handrail, long balacony handrail and center staircase application Red Oak

Gatlin 3-1/2" Start Newel


Gatlin Series 3-1/2 X 48 Start Newel Post-to-Post Handrail Systems Red Oak - 5-1/4" Upper Block Pairs with 3010

Marion 3-1/2 Start Newel


Marion Series 3-1/2 X 48 Start Newel Post-to-Post Handrail Systems Red Oak - 5" Upper Block Pairs with 4272

Hampton 3-1/2 Newel


Hampton Series 3-1/2 X 47-1/2" Volute Newel Post-to-Post Handrail Systems, 6-1/2 Top Block Size Red Oak Pairs with 4210 Pintop Newel

Classic 3" Newel Long-Neck MT


Classic MT Newel, 10" Neck 60" Length Red Oak, White Oak and Poplar options Post-to-Post Handrail application Great for Landings or 2-Rise Turns.

Classic 3" Newel MT - HG Turn


Classic MT (Mushroom Top) Newel 3" width Red Oak, White Oak and Poplar options Post-to-Post Handrail application Hour Glass turning

Classic 3" Newel MT - No Turn


Classic MT (mushroom Top) Newel 3" width Red Oak, White Oak and Poplar options Post-to-Post Handrail application Plain post middle - no turning

Classic 3" PinTop Newel - HG Turn


Classic Pintop Newel 3" Red Oak, White Oak and Poplar options Over-the-Top Handrail applications requiring Fittings Hour Glass Shape mid-turning

Classic 3" PinTop Newel - No Turn


Classic Pintop Newel 3" width Red Oak, White Oak and Poplar options Over-the-Top Handrail applications requiring Fittings Plain post middle - no turning

Classic turned newel typically found in traditional homes. Newel support both Over and Rail/Post (side-to-side) handrail systems.